The confidentiality of your projects is important for the organization of the Open Innovation Forum.

We know that the company's information on innovation projects are often sensitive and strategic, and companies prefer to maintain it as confidential.
This is compatible with participating in a program such as the Open Innovation Forum.
To ensure the confidentiality of the shared information the organization of the Open Innovation Forum maintains two separate circuits of information:
1.      Information available on the platform. NOT CONFIDENTIAL. We want you to feel comfortable with the information that you upload on the platform.
This information will NOT be visible to other companies. It will only be visible to participants from universities.
2.      Information exchanged during challenges resolutions and meetings. CONFIDENTIAL. 

Additional information about your collected challenge during the challenge definition interviews- as well as discussions and information shared at the bilateral meetings - will be considered confidential. To this end, universities have drafted and signed a confidentiality document, which you can find below.

Terms of the Confidentiality Agreement signed between the organizing institutions


Read Biocat's  Privacy Policy 

Bilateral Talks

  • Participants150
  • Meetings Requested216
  • Meetings Accepted67


  • Spain.pngSpain 150
  • United_States_of_America_USA.pngUSA 1
  • Total of Participants151

Profile views

  • Before Event1842
  • After Event1528

Organized by:

  • Biocat




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